SAM106000 - Records: bankruptcy: contents
SAM106010Notification of bankruptcy
SAM106020Bankruptcy: administration completed
SAM106030Bankruptcy: taxpayer records
SAM106031Bankruptcy: taxpayer records (Action Guide menu)
SAM106032Bankruptcy: existing SA record with linked PAYE record (Action Guide)
SAM106033Bankruptcy: PAYE source with unlinked/dormant or no SA record (Action Guide)
SAM106034Bankruptcy: SA only record with no PAYE source (Action Guide)
SAM106040Bankruptcy: trustee's record
SAM106050Disposal of bankrupt's records by the official receiver
SAM106060Employee bankrupt: coding action and provisional PAYE income claim
SAM106070Income or capital gains arising during final year of bankruptcy / sequestration
SAM106071Final year of bankruptcy / sequestration (Action Guide)
SAM106080Interest claimed and statements
SAM106090Issue of statements
SAM106100Payments on account for year of bankruptcy or sequestration
SAM106110Return for the year of bankruptcy / sequestration
SAM106120Voluntary arrangements