SAM11000 - Appeals, postponements and reviews: postponements: contents
SAM11010What are formal and informal standovers?
SAM11020What SA items can be postponed?
SAM11030Who can make a postponement application?
SAM11040What form should a postponement application take?
SAM11050Who should handle a postponement application?
SAM11060Handling a formal standover
SAM11061Handling a formal standover (Action Guide)
SAM11070Handling an informal standover
SAM11071Handlling an informal standover (Action Guide)
SAM11080Unacceptable postponement application
SAM11081Unacceptable postponement application (Action Guide)
SAM11090Postponement application - penalty or surcharge
SAM11100Postponement application - Revenue assessment
SAM11110Postponement application - Revenue amendment
SAM11120Postponement applications - partnership
SAM11130Student/Postgraduate loan overpayments
SAM11131Student loan overpayments (Action Guide)
SAM11140Making adjustments to an SA standover
SAM11150W015 Open appeals work list
SAM11160W019 Review informal standovers work list