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SAM110082 - Repayments: issue repayment: creating a freestanding credit (Action Guide)

When a manual freestanding credit is to be entered on the SA record follow steps 1 - 6 below.

For details of how to access any of the SA functions use the Navigation icon in the ‘Index of Functions’ available from the menu bar.

1. Calculate the amount of freestanding credit, including any manually calculated repayment supplement (RPS)

2. If the freestanding credit arises from a set-off to be made from a PAYE overpayment

  • Follow existing procedures to ensure that a stop is placed on the issue of a payable order from the PAYE system

3. Use function CREATE FREESTANDING CREDIT to enter details of

  • The amount of the freestanding credit (including any manually calculated RPS)
  • And, if it is other than today’s date, the effective date of payment (EDP)

Note: The EDP attaching to the freestanding credit will automatically be set as today’s date. You will only need to enter an EDP if it is other than today’s date. More detailed advice on effective dates of payment is provided in subjects ‘Effective Dates of Payment’ (SAM110070) and ‘Repayment Set-Off’ (SAM110220)

  • Select the [OK] button. You will then be taken to function VIEW STATEMENT

4. In function VIEW STATEMENT

  • If repayment is appropriate
  • Select the [Repay] button. You will be taken to function ISSUE REPAYMENT FROM OVERPAID BALANCE. More detailed advice on making repayment is provided in subject ‘Non-Automatic Repayments’ (SAM110140)
  • If repayment is not appropriate
  • ​​​​​​​Select the [Exit] button

Note: The No Repayment signal is no longer set automatically. (if appropriate the No repayment signal should be set manually.)

Note: Where a repayment has been specifically requested and instructions have been given to state who the payee is, follow those instructions. For details of methods of repayment, see subject SAM110140 onwards. Otherwise follow SAM110001 and for any ‘in-date’ returns, check for any repayment instructions on the relevant years return and repay accordingly. Otherwise do not repay and await a repayment request

5. Use SA function MAINTAIN SA NOTES to enter the following SA Note recording the fact that a repayment / set-off has been made

‘FSC of (amount of credit, including RPS) created for (subject), (amount claimed) (year). Papers filed in SA Post Batch Range XX/XX/XX’

Note: It may be necessary to amend this note if credits for more than one year are to be added to the record

6. Advise the taxpayer / agent how the request for repayment / set-off has been dealt with

To do this, create a copy of the SA Statement letter showing the Free Standing Credit(s) added to the record using SEES Office Clerical Assistant, and send it with SEES letter SA814, appropriately completed, to the customer/agent