SAM110084 - Repayments: issue repayment: W038 freestanding credit review work list (Action Guide)
When reviewing the ‘Freestanding Credit Review’ Work List, follow steps 1 - 10 below as appropriate. The guide is presented as follows
Initial action - Steps 1 - 2
Freestanding credit details correct - Step 3
Freestanding credit details incorrect - Steps 4 - 7
Further enquiries necessary - Steps 8 - 10
For details of how to access any of the SA functions, select ‘Index Of Functions’ on the left of the screen.
Initial action
1. In function WORK LIST CASES
- Select the entry you want to work
Select the
[View] button. You will then be taken to SELECTED CASE to see all the available
details on the work item
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
Freestanding credit details correct
3. If you are satisfied that the freestanding credit has been correctly created or cancelled, delete the work item
- Use function WORK LIST CASES or function SELECTED CASE
Select the
[Del] button. The work item will be deleted
Freestanding credit details incorrect
4. If you are not satisfied that the freestanding credit has been correctly created and you need to cancel the freestanding credit
- In function SELECTED CASE
- Select the [OK] button. You will be taken to function CASE SUMMARY
- In function CASE SUMMARY
- Select the [Statements] button. You will then be taken to function VIEW STATEMENT
- In function VIEW STATEMENT
- Determine the statement that contains the freestanding credit
- Enter the line number on which the freestanding credit appears in the Select Line field, and
- Select the [View] button. You will then be taken to function CANCEL FREESTANDING CREDIT
Select the
[Cancel] button. The credit previously entered on the SA record will be
Note: This will reverse any previous allocation where the original credit was allocated to a charge or repayment
5. If you consider that the freestanding credit should not have been cancelled you will need to recreate manually the original freestanding credit
6. Exceptionally, if you suspect abuse of the function follow existing procedures to report your suspicions
7. On completion of the necessary action delete the work item
- Use function WORK LIST CASES or function SELECTED CASE
Select the
[Del] button. The work item will be deleted
Further enquiries necessary
If you are in any doubt about the quality of the work carried out, or as to the validity of an automatically created freestanding credit, and need to carry out further enquiries
8. In function WORK LIST CASES
Select the
[BF] button. You will then be taken to function SET B/F DATE
9. In function SET B/F DATE
- Enter a b/f date
Enter a b/f
note, ensuring that your initials form the first part of the note
10. On completion of your enquiries
- If the function has been incorrectly used follow the appropriate advice in steps 4 to 7 above
If the
function has been correctly used follow the advice in step 3