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SAM110111 - Repayments: issue repayment: local office payable orders (Action Guide)

Where a request for a local office payable order is made, follow steps 1 - 10 below, as appropriate.

For details of how to access any of the SA functions, select ‘Index Of Functions’ on the left of the screen.

1. Use function VIEW STATEMENT to

  • Select the most recent statement
  • On the most recent statement select the line number with the description ‘Before allocation to charges becoming due’ (Type TBAL)
  • Select the [Repay] button. You will then be taken to function ISSUE REPAYMENT FROM OVERPAID BALANCE


  • Enter details of the repayment to the taxpayer, agent or nominee
  • Specify the method of repayment (SAM110115) as ‘Local Office Payable Order’
  • Enter the estimated issue date of the repayment (taking into account the 3 days for the payable order processing cycle)

3. Complete a Payable Order Request Form (PORF), which can be found on SEES: Forms and Letters: MISC category: and Payable Order Request Form

  • Both sections 1 and 2 must be completed
  • Guidance Notes are available to assist in the completion of the form by selecting the relevant field on the form and selecting the F1 key
  • Save a copy of the PORF under the UTR before e-mailing it to your authoriser/FLM
  • At the same time pass any case papers, computations, forms and letters for the customer to your authoriser/FLM

4. On receipt of the case papers and PORF, the authoriser/FLM should

  • Check all case papers, computations, forms and letters for the customer and authorise the repayment in line with current guidance
  • Complete section 3 of the PORF in line with the guidance notes and e-mail to your security checker
  • Pass case papers, computations, forms and letters for the customer to the security checker for security checking in line with current guidance

5. On receipt of the case papers and PORF, the security checker should

  • Perform security checks in line with current guidance
  • Print a copy of the form to retain with the case papers
  • Submit the PORF by selecting the ‘Post’ button at the bottom of the form. A dialogue box is displayed: ‘ Your Payable Order Request Form has been submitted for processing’

Note: ‘Posting’ a manual PORF is restricted to security checkers. It is essential that any changes of responsibility are kept up to date and notified immediately to ‘DL – Cumbernauld Repayments Team’ using the appropriate form

  • Arrange to issue computations and letter to the customer
  • Keep the case papers and copy of the PORF until the unique Payable Order serial number is available on the Payable Order Database

6. It will take approximately 3 working days from submission of the PORF for the payable order to be posted to the customer and the Payable Order Database to be populated with the unique payable order number. The payable order serial number can then be obtained from the Payable Order Database. Access to the database is restricted to security checkers

  • To obtain the serial number of the payable order, access the Payable Order Database and enter the case reference and the date. The date will normally be the date of submission plus one working day, or if submitted after 16.00hrs, it will be the date of submission plus two working days
  • Once you have obtained the serial number, enter it on your copy of the PORF before passing it back to the caseworker with the relevant papers
  • If you are unable to trace your payable order request, or you have a specific enquiry relating to it, you will need to send an e-mail to the ‘DL- Cumbernauld Repayments Team’

7. The case worker should note the payable order serial number in SA NOTES, file the case papers as appropriate and follow steps 8 - 10 below

8. Use function VIEW STATEMENT to

  • Select the statement showing the repayment
  • Select the repayment you want to view using the Select Line field
  • Select the [View] button. You will then be taken to function VIEW REPAYMENT

9. In function VIEW REPAYMENT

  • Select the [Confirm] button. You will then be taken to function CONFIRM MANUAL REPAYMENT

10. In function CONFIRM MANUAL REPAYMENT enter the following details

  • The actual date of issue of the repayment
  • The Payable Order serial number
  • Whether notification of the repayment was sent to the agent