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SAM110125 - Repayments: issue repayment: 'no repayment' signal

The ‘No repayment’ signal is set on the record to avoid the possibility of a duplicate or an incorrect repayment being issued. The signal will inhibit the automatic issue of a repayment from a return or Structured Action Request (SAR) and where the online function ISSUE REPAYMENT FROM OVERPAID BALANCE is used, it will result in a warning message being displayed.

Setting the signal
Reasons for setting the signal
Repayment requested where signal set
Deleting the signal

Setting the signal

The signal can be set manually by using function AMEND TAXPAYER SIGNALS or in certain cases will be set automatically by the SA system but in both circumstances an automatic Sa Note will be created.

When setting the signal manually, a drop down menu will be displayed showing multiple reasons for why the signal has been set, including a free format field. An option must be chosen to proceed. Note: When using the free format option, the user must include who any subsequent repayment query should be referred to. For example, include a name or PID, contact phone number, or mailbox address.

The signal can only be set manually by the offices with processing,technical or recovery responsibility for the record and when set, the signal appears on the ‘Individual Signals’ screen as ‘Y’ and if not set, will show the default setting ‘N’.

Reasons for setting the signal

The signal will be set automatically by the SA system where a

  • A taxpayer has been selected for a S9A or S12AC enquiry and it has been registered on the SA record
  • Captured return (excluding a partnership return) has been unlogged

Note: The signal is set on IDMS by DMB automatically

The signal may be set manually where a

  • Repayment and / or set-off has been processed by the NPS system
  • Processing error is identified that may result in the issue of an incorrect repayment
  • Case is working with NPS point of contact
  • DMB debt is outstanding
  • Deed of assignment
  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) SAM121141(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

The signal should only be set manually for the reasons shown above.

A repayment should not be inhibited just because the taxpayer has returns outstanding.

Repayment requested where signal set

If the signal is set and a repayment is requested on a return or Structured Action Request (SAR), when the return/SAR is processed, the repayment will not be created but a work item will be created on the W030 ‘Inhibited Automatic Repayments’ work list.

The work items appearing on this work list will be reviewed by an officer with the user role of Payment Processor (see subject ‘Inhibited Automatic Repayments’ Action Guide (SAM113011).

If the signal is set and a repayment is to be issued clerically using the function ISSUE REPAYMENT FROM OVERPAID BALANCE, when the function is accessed a warning message will appear stating ‘No Repayment signal set’. At this stage the operator can either exit the function or override the signal by creating and issuing the repayment.

Before overriding the signal, the operator should first confirm that the reason(s) for the signal being set no longer exists or contact the responsible office that set the signal to advise them that a repayment has been requested and seek authority to proceed with the repayment.

Where authority to issue the repayment is denied, the operator reviewing the W030 work item should write to the taxpayer and explain why the repayment request has been refused.

Where the signal has been set because an in-year repayment (or set-off) has been made, the operator should examine the return to confirm that it correctly records the in-year repayment (or set-off) before issuing the repayment.

Where the signal has been set automatically because of a S9A or S12AC enquiry has been registered, the signal will be unset automatically when a settlement date is entered on the SA record. If required, a repayment can be issued prior to this date by overriding the warning message that appears when function ISSUE REPAYMENT FROM OVERPAID BALANCE is selected.

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Deleting the signal

When the reason for the signal being set no longer exists, for example, the repayment has been set off or repaid, the signal must be unset to avoid any future repayments being inhibited without good reason and work items being created unnecessarily on the work list.

The signal can be unset manually irrespective of whether it was initially set manually or automatically by the SA system.