SAM110225 - Repayments: issue repayment: repayment status
After a repayment has been created its current status can be viewed using function VIEW REPAYMENT. The status of a repayment can be one of the following
This status identifies a BACS or Payable Order (PO) repayment that has been passed to the repayments system for issue.
A repayment cannot be cancelled whilst it is in ‘Transmitted’ status.
This status is applied to all repayments that have been issued.
This identifies a repayment that has been rejected by the BACS system.
Check Draft
This identifies a repayment that is undergoing automatic computerised checks.
Cancelled Draft
This identifies a repayment that has been cancelled at the draft stage.
Cancelled Selected
This identifies a repayment that has been cancelled following clerical review of the selected cases prior to issue.
Cancelled Authorised
This identifies a repayment that has been cancelled after authorisation but before issue.
Cancelled Issued
This identifies a repayment that has been cancelled after issue.
This identifies that the repayment has been selected under TRUCE. For further information refer to COG102000.