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SAM121272 - Returns: individuals returns: bankruptcy cases: appropriate amount of pre-relevant date liability

To calculate the appropriate amount of the pre Relevant Date liability when computing payments on account in a bankruptcy case, you should

  • Use function CREATE RETURN CHARGE to view the pre Relevant Date liability
  • Make a note of the figure shown in the Income tax due after reliefs field
  • Add to that figure any amount shown in the following fields

    • Recoverable tax on charges
    • Class 4 National Insurance
    • Underpaid tax for earlier years included in PAYE code
    • CODA Partnership Tax due
    • CODA Partnership NIC due
  • Deduct from that figure any amount shown in the following fields

    • Tax deducted at source
    • Tax due included in later PAYE code


  1. Amounts shown in any other fields on the screen can be ignored as they do not form part of the payments on account for next year.

  2. The amount may be negative.