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SAM121405 - Returns: individuals returns: claim to relief for SEIS (seed enterprise investment scheme)

The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) was introduced in April 2012 to run alongside the existing Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS). For further information regarding EIS, see SAM121400.

Where the taxpayer claims income tax relief for SEIS on the return, the claim must be made at box 10 of the ‘Other tax reliefs’ section of the Additional information page Ai2.

Relief is given at 50 per cent of the cost of the qualifying shares acquired on, or after, 6 April 2012 and is given in terms of tax. The rate differs from that available under the existing Enterprise Investment Scheme. Where relief is to be coded you should refer to the guidance for ‘Coding allowances and reliefs: seed enterprise scheme’ in the PAYE Manual.

Where a new claim is received and there is no existing SA record, a record should be set up in accordance with the guidance at [S]( onwards. If an SA record exists but is dormant, you should reactivate the record following the guidance for ‘Reactivating a dormant record’ at SAM101093 and make an SA Note of the reason why the record has been reactivated.

For more information regarding the SEIS coding process, see the PAYE Manual at PAYE10047.

If required, more information can be found in the Venture Capital Schemes Manual from VCM35150 onwards.