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SAM121480 - Returns: individuals returns: multiple SAI for one basis period: individuals

The year 1996/97 was, for any business which commenced before 6 April 1994, a year of transition from the PY basis of assessment to the CY basis. For most continuing businesses the basis period for 1996/97 comprised of a 24 month period ending on the normal accounting date in the year ending 5 April 1997.

The taxpayer has the option of preparing one set of accounts for the whole basis period or preparing two or more sets of accounts for the period.

Accounts details for the whole period must be included on the return.

When completing the return the taxpayer whose business is affected by the transitional rules can complete

  • One set of Standard Accounts information (SAI) for a business covering the whole basis period


  • A set of SAI for each period of account, but must show only one set of basis period information on the pages completed for the latest SAI details

Note: Where the taxpayer has prepared more than one set of accounts for the period, each showing a taxable profit, they may add together the figures in order to complete a single set of SAI on the return.

Where an account shows a loss separate SAI are required.

For businesses not affected by the transitional rules in 1996/97 and for all businesses 1997/98 onwards, separate sets of SAI must be provided in respect of each period of account relating wholly or partly to the basis period.

A return should be referred to an Inspector to confirm the correct details where

  • More than one set of Self-employment pages has been completed


  • More than one page SE3 has been completed


  • The entries on the pages SE3 differ

The item should then be repaired as an obvious error in the return. Further information is available at subject ‘Repairing Obvious Errors: Individuals’ (SAM121530).