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SAM121500 - Returns: individuals returns: paper reports: individuals

Of the following 5 paper reports to help manage returns in Local Data Capture (LDC) 4 are printed automatically, the LDC Returns List is printed on request. Nil lists are not produced.


The weekly report contains a list of all the returns that have been deleted from LDC since the previous report. The report is held on the office server. Printing of the report will be initiated by the first person to use function CAPTURE RETURN or VIEW RETURN each Friday, and the report will be printed on the default printer associated with that user.

Entries on this report are in UTR order.

To assist further with the management of returns held on LDC, the Office Manager may use function REQUEST LDC LISTS to provide on request the LDC RETURNS LIST.


The daily report is of all cases where the computer

  • Cannot find a taxpayer record for the Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) entered
  • Identifies that the captured return is of the wrong taxpayer type. For example a Partnership return has been captured on an Individual taxpayer’s record
  • Identifies that the Organisation Unit Identifier (OUID) used by the operator when capturing the return is invalid

The reports are printed centrally and sent to the office in which the return was captured.

Entries are made on this report in UTR order.


The daily report is of all cases where the computer

  • Cannot find a taxpayer record for the Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) entered. The entry will be under the UTR used to log the return, therefore if you have miscopied the UTR you will not be able to trace which return has not been logged
  • Identifies that the Organisation Unit Identifier (OUID) used by the operator when logging the return is invalid

The reports are printed centrally and sent to the office in which the return was logged (or captured).

Entries are made on this report in UTR order.


The report is produced by LDC on request by the LDC Administrator using function LDC ADMIN 2000 and is printed out in the office with processing responsibility.

The report shows all partially captured returns including those awaiting the Coding (Integrity) Check pass or fail signal. Those cases awaiting the Coding (Integrity) Check are identified by an ‘X’ in the final column headed ‘IC’ (Integrity Check) on the report.

The list also includes cases which have been rejected by the main computer. These rejections are included on the daily paper report LDC - RETURNS - CAPTURE FAILURES - NO RECORD FOUND.

On obtaining the LDC RETURNS LIST you should check for receipt of the LDC - RETURNS -CAPTURE FAILURES - NO RECORD FOUND list and work the entries from one or other of the lists to save duplication of work.

The order of entries on this report is normally UTR order. The order can be amended if certain information is input on the TAXPAYER DETAILS screen during the use of function CAPTURE RETURN.


The weekly report gives a minimum 7-day warning of all partially captured returns or fully captured returns awaiting the Coding (Integrity) Check, which will be deleted from the LDC server if they are not fully captured or the check is not completed by the date shown on the report.

The report is held on the office server. Printing of the report will be initiated by the first person to use function CAPTURE RETURN or VIEW RETURN each Friday, and the report will be printed on the default printer associated with that user.

Where there is more than one server in an Organisation Unit (OU) there will be a list for each server.

Where more than one OU is held on one server separate lists are produced for each OU.

The order of entries on this report is normally UTR order. The order can be amended if certain information is input on the TAXPAYER DETAILS screen during the use of function CAPTURE RETURN.

The entries on this report will also be included on the LDC RETURNS LIST if the list is requested.