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SAM122170 - Returns: partnership returns: capture partnership return: guidance

Function CAPTURE RETURN allows the capture of the whole partnership return. There is some manual risk assessment but the compare between the partnership and individual partner’s returns is carried out automatically except for cases with

  • Multiple Standard Accounts Information (SAI)
  • A turnover of £15 million or more

How to capture a Partnership return 

To capture a Partnership return you start with Question 5 then progress through the trading and professional income (Boxes 3.1 to 3.117) to Questions 9, 10 and 11. You then capture information from the supplementary pages accompanying the return, and complete capture by entering details from the Partnership Statement (Partnership Information and Individual partner details).

If required you can select to print a Partnership Statement which is output on your local office printer. This print facility is available from the functions CAPTURE RETURN, VIEW RETURN or AMEND RETURN.

When you fully save the return the information is passed to the main computer and the partnerships record updated. The partnership’s return profile is updated with information concerning the type of supplementary pages received.

Points to remember when capturing return details 

There are a number of points that you should be aware of before you start to capture a partnership tax return. These are listed below

  • Partnership Savings supplementary pages button [7] always available

Question 11 on the return includes the tick boxes which identify the supplementary pages the partnership have sent back with the basic tax return. On presentation of the screen the tick box for the Partnership Savings supplementary pages is already completed and the Question 7 button on the button bar is available. This is because there is no place on the CAPTURE RETURN screens to capture entries from boxes 7.7A, 7.8A or 7.9A from the basic return. The button is available to remind you that entries made in boxes 7.7A, 7.8A or 7.9A must be captured on the Question 7 supplementary pages screens.

If the partnership have not completed boxes 7.7A, 7.8A or 7.9A on the basic tax return or completed the Partnership Savings supplementary pages you must delete the entry from the tick box at Question 11

  • Number of partners in the partnership (Box 11.2) on presentation shows ‘2’

On presentation of Question 11 screen 1 you will see that Box 11.2 asking for the number of partners already has an entry of 2. You will also see that the Partnership Statement (Partnership Information) button (N1) and the Partnership Statement (Individual partner details) button (N2) on the button bar are available. This is because in the majority of cases you will capture the Partnership Statement. You must change the number of partners in box 11.2 to the number entered by the partnership on the return. The maximum number allowed in this box is 999. This enables the computer to check you have completed all the Individual partner details before it saves the return or prints a statement

  • Standard Accounts Information (SAI) you cannot capture

You cannot capture

* SAI for periods other than the latest period of account where more than one set of SAI is prepared for one basis period


* SAI for businesses other than the business with the largest turnover where the partnership is carrying out more than one trade
  • Partnership Statement (Short) completed

There is only one version of the Partnership Statement screens. Where the partnership have completed the Partnership Statement (Short) you must capture the details on the screens which have been designed on the Partnership Statement (Full) pages.

To assist you when capturing a Partnership Statement (Short), certain boxes on the screen have been highlighted. This is to identify the amount boxes from the Partnership Statement (Short) which should be completed on the screen. Other non-amount boxes from the Partnership Statement (Short) should also be completed where present on the screen

  • Mandatory boxes

There are three boxes on the Partnership return which must have an entry to enable return capture to take place. These boxes are

* Box 3.2 (Description of business)
* Box 6 (Name of partner)


* Box 8 (Partner’s tax reference)

A new pre-capture check has been introduced to ensure these boxes are completed before return capture takes place. See subject ‘Mandatory Boxes: Partnerships’ (SAM122110)
  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

* (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) 

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) 

* (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) 
* (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) SAM122140(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) 
  • Box 3.98 completed

If there is an entry in box 3.98, add the amount to any entry in box 3.97 and enter the total figure in box 3.97 on screen

  • Box 24A completed on the Partnership Statement (Partnership Information)

Any entry made by the partnership in the Partnership Information box 24A on the Partnership Statement must be added to any amount entered in box 24 and entered on the Partnership Information screen N1 of the Partnership Statement

  • Box 24A completed on the Partnership Statement (Individual partner details)

Any entry made by the partnership in the Individual partner details box 24A on the Partnership Statement must be added to any amount entered in box 24 and entered on Individual partner details screen N2 of the Partnership Statement

  • Additional information included on return

There is only one box on the capture screens in which to record that additional information has been provided on the return. This box is numbered 3.116 and is on screen 2 of Question 3. If the only additional information is the agent’s name and reference an entry is not required, but if the partnership includes any other additional information on the return you must complete box 3.116 on the screen

 Alternative filing process for investment partnerships from 2018-19

There is no requirement for a partnership return to include a specific UTR for each non-UK resident partner in certain circumstances, see SAM122160 for more details.