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SAM122181 - Returns: partnership returns: error and warning messages: partnerships (Action Guide)

When you are presented with an error or warning message during capture of the return details follow steps 1 - 2 below. The guide is presented as follows

Initial action

1. Check that the figure has been copied correctly

Note: When a figure has been checked you must accept the figure (SAM122165) without amendment, once you are sure that

  • The figure has been copied correctly
  • The nominated partner, see subject ‘Maintain Taxpayer Record: Nominated Partner’ (SAM101290), or agent has not made an obvious error or mistake

Otherwise there is a risk of starting a Check Later enquiry

Dealing with an error or omission

The action you take in an individual case will depend upon your judgement and the circumstances of the case

2. Consider the following actions, as appropriate

  • Use the telephone to clarify minor points or exceptionally on receipt of permission from your manager, write a letter, or
  • Accept the figure shown on the return, or
  • Repair (revise) an obvious error, or
  • Send back the whole return to the nominated partner or agent

If the whole return is to be sent back

  • Select the Exit option from the File menu heading, you will be prompted to save the return
  • Select the [Delete] button, the return details will be removed from LDC