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SAM122261 - Returns: partnership returns: saving partnership return details (Action Guide)

When you have entered as much information as possible from the return, follow steps 1 - 5 below

For details of how to access any of the SA functions, select ‘Index Of Functions’ on the left of the screen.

Where you are able to capture all the return information

1. Save the return as fully captured in function CAPTURE RETURN by selecting the [Full] button on the SAVE RETURN screen which is presented when you select the Close or Exit menu option

2. File the return away

Where you are only able to capture part of the return information

3. Save the return as partially captured in function CAPTURE RETURN by selecting the [Part] button on the SAVE RETURN screen which is presented when you select the Close or Exit option from the menu

4. Ask for any outstanding information. If the return is unsatisfactory see subject ‘Unsatisfactory Partnership Returns’ (SAM122160)

5. Place the papers on B/F for the outstanding information

On receipt of the information

  • Use function CAPTURE RETURN to capture the remaining details
  • Save the return as fully captured by selecting the [Full] button on the SAVE RETURN screen which is presented when you select the Close or Exit option from the menu