SAM123051 - Returns: trust returns: part year trust returns for the current tax year (Action Guide)
When you receive a part year return for the current year follow steps 1 - 4 below. For details of how to access the function, select ‘Index Of Functions’ on the left of the screen.
1. | Do not attempt to use function LOG RETURN to record the date of receipt |
2. | Pass the return through to the officer with the user role of Clerical Processing Officer to calculate the liability to the date of cessation |
3. | Pass the trust folder with the return to the Compliance Manager to consider whether any further liability arises on the cessation of the trust |
4. | Following instructions from the Compliance Manager |
* Use function CREATE RETURN CHARGE to record the liability on the trust’s SA record |
Further information on permanent cessations can be found at SAM90000 onwards.