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SAM125190 - Returns: returns work lists: w054 weekly returns review: source exception

A work item will be entered as SOURCE EXCEPTION on the ‘Weekly Returns Review’ Work List when there are multiple sources captured or on the SA taxpayer record, and during capture of the return

  • The source reference entered does not match a source reference held on the SA taxpayer record


  • No source reference was entered

The ‘Weekly Returns Review’ Work List is allocated to the Clerical Processing Officer in the office with processing responsibility.

You must

  • Enter the correct source reference, so that a match may be made between the information captured and the appropriate source on the taxpayer record
  • Delete the work item manually from the Work List, but only when all aspects that caused the item to be created have been cleared 

Note: Where a Lloyds Underwriter has another sole trade(s) and the SA record shows the Lloyds source as a trade source then a work item will be produced. If there is only one other trade, or if the source references for the other trades are correct, the work item should be manually deleted as no further action is required.

When the return is unlogged, the work item is deleted automatically.

When using function AMEND RETURN to enter the correct source reference, the change to the record is recorded as a correction. As there are no changes to the total tax and NIC figure, it will be necessary to note the figure of total tax and NIC as accepted.