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SAM126070 - Returns: filing returns online: identifying and viewing a return filed online


Viewing the full Internet version

When a return has been filed online the method of capture will be shown as ‘Internet’.

When you view an Individual or Partnership return you are presented with the normal view screens showing the 450 capture boxes, but a facility is available (Full Internet Version from the toolbar) that allows you to view the full Internet return details that have been filed including any additional information.

This facility should only be used for individual SA taxpayer cases where the return has been submitted online. Note: Although the facility is available for Partnership SA cases this should not be used as doing so will result in a system error.

In order to view the full Internet return details which have been submitted for Partnership and Trust cases

  • Select ‘My Services’
  • Select ‘Corporate Services’
  • Select ‘Individuals’
  • Select ‘SA View P & T returns’

You will not be able to amend the additional boxes displayed in the full Internet return version. If you select the ‘spanner’ to amend the return whilst you are viewing the full Internet return you will be taken back to the normal view screens where you will only be able to amend the normal 450 capture boxes.

Version 1 is the only version that will allow you to view the original full Internet (950 box) version of the return.

If you select to view a full Internet return from a later version of the return, all 950 boxes will be displayed, but the additional 500 boxes will be blank. The normal 450 capture boxes will show the amended figures for that version and not those originally filed.

Viewing attachments filed online

Where any attachment has been filed electronically with a return filed online, you will be able to view that attachment via the LDC screens.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)  

You will be able to recognise the existence of an attachment filed online by two methods

  • In function MAINTAIN RETURN SUMMARY by a red asterisk following the indicator of ‘Internet’ as method of capture
  • In function VIEW RETURN by the [View Attachment] button (depicting the letter E on a camera lens) being enabled. Note: The button is not available if an attachment is not present

Where an attachment has been filed online and you are initially using function VIEW RETURN, you will be presented with a dialogue box immediately after you have viewed Summary Information and selected the [OK] button. This box automatically gives you the option to view the attachment.

Once you have viewed and then closed the attachment, or you reject the option, you will be returned to the open VIEW RETURN screens.

If you reject the option to view the attachment from the dialogue box, you will still be able to do so by selecting either the [View Attachment] button as above or the [View Attachment] option from the VIEW menu bar heading. Note: Neither will be available if an attachment is not present.

It is important to note that when you select an option to view an attachment, the return being viewed at the time may be a later version than the return which was filed online. 

You will also be able to print a copy of the attachment by the usual methods; either selecting the [Print] button or the [Print] option from the VIEW menu bar heading.