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SAM127071 - Returns: returns processed at HMRC Wolverhampton: HMRC Wolverhampton: taxpayer address changes (Action Guide)

Where the taxpayer has notified a change of address at box 1.2 on the return and / or has made an amendment to the details on the front of the form, follow steps 1 - 7 below

1. Log the return using function LOG RETURN

Where the taxpayer has made an amendment to the details on the front of the form

2. Update TBS with the taxpayer’s new address (the SA record will be automatically updated overnight)

3. Make a pencil note on the return that the changes have been dealt with

4. Pass the return back for ADC processing

5. Where necessary, arrange for transfer of the SA record

Where there is an entry at box 1.2 but no new address has been manually entered

6. Select the SA Note (Return box 1.2 completed but no new address supplied) from the SEES Notes Paster

7. Pass the return back for ADC processing