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SAM130030 - Statements: statement content and layout: order of open items on the statement

The Open Item (s) on a statement are separated from each other by a blank line.

Open Items and the transactions related to them are always presented on the printed statement issued to the taxpayer in the following order

  1. Charges, including interest charges, in ascending due date order. Each charge is followed by any related credits and debits in the following order
* Adjustments, revenue losses, transfers to PAYE, standovers and so on, in ascending order.

If there are two or more adjustments of the same type on a charge then these are summarised and the ‘net’ summary line is shown  

* A line showing the amount due after any adjustments and so on (this summary line only appears on statements created after November 1998)
* Credits allocated against the charge in ascending effective date of payment ([SAM60055]( order.

If there are two or more entries of RPS on a charge then these are summarised and the ‘net’ summary line is shown  

* A line showing the total of all credits allocated to a charge (this summary line only appears on statements created after November 1998)
* Accruing interest where a charge remains open and is overdue
* From June 2000, summary lines in respect of ‘Total credits’ and ‘Amount due after any adjustment etc’ appear in the column headed AMOUNT on the printed statement

The column headed SUMMARY includes only the balance line for each charge shown on the statement  
  1. Transfers to OAS in ascending date order together with associated credits

  2. Unallocated credits in ascending EDP order

  3. Returned payments in ascending EDP order

A returned payment is a payment returned by the bank unpaid. A payment credited to the taxpayer record that is returned, either wholly or in part, is shown on the statement as a separate Open Item.

The effective date of payment is displayed in the Date column along with the descriptor ‘Payment …….(original date) £…999.99 returned’. The amount and balance columns are blank.

The Open Item against which the payment was originally allocated no longer reflects the credit.

  1. Repayments in ascending date order together with associated credits

  2. Statement balance line showing the account balance on the statement date

  3. Future liabilities becoming due within 45 days of the statement date

  4. Statement overall balance line showing the account balance plus any sums becoming due within 45 days


  1. Ascending order means oldest transaction first.

  2. The period of 45 days for including charges which are becoming due can be varied. For instance in June and December the period can be extended to as many as 72 days. Any unused credits on the account at the statement date are shown as allocated against charges becoming due. This helps present a clearer picture to the taxpayer of the amounts due for 31 July and 31 January.