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SAM131026 - Statements: statement issue: qualifying financial transactions

Periodic statements
Standard statements

Periodic statements

Prior to December 2015, Periodic statements were produced in June and December, immediately prior to when a main payment was scheduled to be made however the issue of Periodic statements ended in December 2015. From January 2016, statements are issued according to the rules for Standard statements below

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Standard statements

Standard statements are normally produced in January, March, April, May, June, August, October, November and December, however this schedule is subject to change. The Statement Issue schedule can be found on the SA User Page under SA Business Calendars.

Statements are produced where:-

  • There is a debt becoming due within 45 days and the debt has not been included on a previously issued statement


  • There is a debt on the SA record and the debt has not been included in a previously issued statement and the debt is now due (the payment date is ‘today’ or earlier)


1. The debt must be £99.99 or more, not including interest (there is no upper limit)
2. The statement would be less than 390 lines.
3. The address is not RLS

The financial transactions that will trigger a standard statement are

  • There is a charge due now or becoming due of £99.99, or more, within 45 days which has not been included on a previous issued statement
  • Where that charge, due now or becoming due within 45 days, has been included on a previously issued statement, but the amount payable has now increased. For example, a standover is released or a revenue amendment is made
  • A late payment interest charge of more than £32 has been created since the last statement was issued
  • An SA underpayment has been transferred to PAYE. (This does not include coded debts.)


Note: The period of 45 days for including charges which are becoming due can be varied. For example, in June and December the period can be extended to as many as 72 days.

Note: From June 2016, amendments to penalties are not triggers for the issue of a statement unless one or more of the above triggers are also present