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SAM131111 - Statements: statement issue: statement type: changing the full or simple signal (Action Guide)

To change the ‘Full’ or ‘Simple’ statement type signal, follow steps 1 - 6 below.

The Guide is presented as follows

  Steps 1 - 4
  Step 5
  Step 6

For details of how to access any of the SA functions, select ‘Index Of Functions’ on the left of the screen.

Taxpayer requests statements to be issued in Open Item (‘Full’) format

  1. Using the online service SA View L & P, check View Statement to see if the last issued statement was in Open Item (know as ‘Full’) or Simple Statement format

  2. If in Simple Statement format go to Step 5

  3. If in Open Item format, put the case on BF until after the next monthly statements are issued

  4. Check function VIEW STATEMENT after the next statements have been issued and if a statement has been issued for this taxpayer, go to Step 5. If no statement has been issued, go back to step 3

Changing the preferred statement format signal to ‘Full’

  1. In function INHIBIT STATEMENT
* In the drop down menu alongside the line ‘Preferred Statement Format’ select ‘Full’ to issue statements in Open Item format
* Select the [OK] button

Taxpayer requests statements to be issued in Simple Statement (‘Simple’) format

  1. In function INHIBIT STATEMENT
* In the drop down menu alongside the line ‘Preferred Statement Format’ select ‘Simple’ to issue statements in Simple Statement format
* Select the [OK] button