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SAM131151 - Statements: statement issue: view and print SEES SA statement (Action Guide)

When viewing and printing a SEES SA Statement, follow steps 1 - 12 below. The Guide is presented as follows

Actions to issue a copy statement to the taxpayer - Steps 1 - 6
Actions to issue a copy statement to an agent - Steps 7 - 12

Actions to issue a copy statement to the taxpayer

1. Go to the SA menu screen

  • Enter the UTR of required case
  • Select function CASE SUMMARY
  • Select function DESIGNATORY

2. Then open the SEES SA Statement as follows

  • Open Excel
  • Select SEES from top tool bar
  • Select Letters and Forms from drop down menu
  • Select SA Statement from list of forms on left hand side

Note: There are three versions of this letter available for use. One for Compliance Centre use only and the other versions are for PT Ops use for with, or without, a covering letter

3. In SEES SA Statement

  • Select the [Customer] button
  • Select ‘SA’ from the top tool bar
  • A screen message will be displayed asking ‘Do you want to import Taxpayer or Agent details?’
  • Select the [Customer] button
  • Select the [OK] button
  • The taxpayer’s details will now be automatically imported from the SA record into the SEES SA Statement input screen

4. At this stage you have the opportunity to add one or two short free text messages that will be presented on the finished document

‘Notes to taxpayer 1’ - will appear above the statement table on the finished document

‘Notes to taxpayer 2’ - will appear below the statement table on the finished document

5. Return to the SA record and the CASE SUMMARY screen

  • If the statement you are viewing has more than one page (the [FWD] button will be highlighted) you must view the last page
  • Select the function STATEMENTS
  • On the VIEW STATEMENT screen, select the number of the statement you want to copy. (If the statement has more than 1 page you will need to select [FWD] until you reach the last page)
  • Select the [OK] button

6. Return to the SEES SA Statement screen

  • Select ‘Preview’ from top tool bar
  • Within a few seconds the statement table and any messages will be imported into the SEES SA Statement and you can view the copy statement prior to printing. You should check that the details on the copy statement are correct before you print and issue

Actions to issue a copy statement to an agent

7. Go to the SA menu screen

  • Enter the UTR of required case
  • Select function CASE SUMMARY
  • Select function DESIGNATORY
  • Select ‘Agent’ from the Individuals Designatory Details screen

8. Then open the SEES SA Statement as follows

  • Open Excel
  • Select SEES from the top tool bar
  • Select Forms and Letters from the drop down menu
  • Select SA Statement from list of forms on left hand side

9. In SEES SA Statement

  • Select the [Agent] button
  • Select ‘SA’ from the top tool bar
  • A screen message will be displayed asking ‘Do you want to import Taxpayer or Agent details?’
  • Select the [Agent] button
  • Select the [OK] button
  • The agent’s details will now be automatically imported from the SA record into the SEES SA Statement input screen

10. At this stage you have the opportunity to add one or two short free text messages that will be presented on the finished document

‘Notes to taxpayer 1’ - will appear above the statement table on the finished document

‘Notes to taxpayer 2’ - will appear below the statement table on the finished document

11. Return to the SA record and the CASE SUMMARY screen

  • If the statement you are viewing has more than one page (the [FWD] button will be highlighted) you must view the last page
  • Select the function STATEMENTS
  • On the VIEW STATEMENT screen, select the number of the statement you want to copy. (If the statement has more than 1 page you will need to select [FWD] until you reach the last page
  • Select the [OK] button

12. Return to the SEES SA Statement screen

  • Select ‘Review’ from the top tool bar
  • Within a few seconds the statement table and any messages will be imported into the SEES SA Statement and you can view the copy statement prior to printing. You should check that the details on the copy statement are correct before you print and issue