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SAM132020 - Statements: transactions on statements: transactions on open item statements

The Open Item taxpayer statement was introduced in April 1997. Prior to that in the period November 1996 to March 1997, a Brought Forward statement layout was used. For more information about the Brought Forward statement see subject ‘Transactions on Brought Forward Statements’ (SAM132010). From August 2006, statements are in either Open Item style or Simple Statement format. For more information about the Simple Statement see subject ‘Transactions on Simple Statements’ (SAM132030).

Each charge that is either cleared in the statement period or that remains collectible appears on an Open Item statement. Any unallocated and / or overpaid payment credit is also shown as an Open Item.

The history of each Open Item on the statement is detailed, although from November 1999 any multiple adjustments of the same type on a debit are summarised. The same also applies to more than one sum of repayment supplement (RPS).

Open Items are

  • Printed in a fixed Open Item order (SAM130030), and
  • Show the full Open Item transaction details (SAM130032) for each Open ItemThe amount is printed with the suffix ‘CR’ for a credit transaction. Debit transactions show only the amount. Any accrued interest is shown separately for each Open Item. If interest has accrued, it appears on the last line of the Open Item.

Individual balances, which include any accrued interest, on the Open Items listed on a statement are added together to give a statement balance. The statement balance is printed after the last Open Item. If there is any sum becoming due within the next 45 days (or up to 72 days for June and December), an overall balance is shown on the statement and this is printed as the last line.

The transaction descriptions used on the Open Item statement are divided into 5 categories

Note: A statement created ‘today’ shows a statement date of ‘today’ minus 1 day and does not reflect the current accounting position. The following transactions which can be viewed on the current statement are excluded from a statement created ‘today’

  • Online movements, for example, a remission or a transfer from OAS, recorded ‘today’
  • Batch movements, for example, payments, recorded with a date of ‘today’ minus 1 working day