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SAM132052 - Statements: transactions on statements: transaction type: payment debit

Open item statements
Simple statements

Open item statements

The payment debit transactions reported on taxpayer Open Item statements and the descriptions used for the different kinds of payment debits are as follows.

Note: The descriptions on statements created before December 1998 may differ slightly from those in the table below.

Payment debit Description on Open Item statement
A payment returned by the bank unpaid or a BACS payment recalled by the taxpayer Payment …….(original date) £…99999.99 returned
An amount transferred to OAS Credit transferred out
Cancelled Freestanding credit Credit …….(date) £…99999.99 cancelled
Repayment Repayment issued


1. When a returned payment is posted on the record the original credit posting is omitted or reduced

2. When Transfers to OAS or Repayments are posted on the record they are displayed with their associated credits.

Simple statements

The payment debit transactions reported on Simple Statements and the descriptions used for the different kinds of payment debits are as follows

Payment debit Description on Open Item statement
A payment returned by the bank unpaid or a BACS payment recalled by the taxpayer Payment (original date) £99999.99 returned
An amount transferred to OAS Amount transferred out pending reallocation
Cancelled freestanding credit Credit (date) £99999.99 cancelled
Repayment Repayment - please see note overleaf