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SAM140051 - Transfer of liability: transfer from PAYE to SA: w034 sundry charge quality check work list (Action Guide)

When reviewing the ‘Sundry Charge Quality Check’ Work List, follow steps 1 - 3 below.

For details of how to access any of the SA functions, select ‘Index Of Functions’ on the left of the screen.

Action by Clerical Processing Manager / Work List Manager

1. Use function WORK LIST CASES to
  * Select the entry that you want to work
  * Select the [View] button to see all the available details on the work item. You will then be taken to SELECTED CASE
2. Check to ensure that
  * There has been no misuse of function CREATE SUNDRY CHARGE or function MAINTAIN SUNDRY CHARGE
  * The PAYE record has been updated correctly
  * The quality of the work performed is satisfactory
3. After you have completed your review to delete the work item
  * Use function WORK LIST CASES
  * Select the [Del] button. The work item will be deleted

Details of the Work Management System can be found in the section ‘Work Management’ in the business area ‘Manage Work’ (SAM71000 onwards).