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SAM50501 - Digital services: introduction

From April 2014, changes were introduced to improve the online service offered to Self Assessment customers. The service is provided on GOV.UK and a phased approach is being used with the new functionality available initially to a small numbers of customers building up over a period of time. The initial functionality included:

  • The facility to enable individual customers to sign up to receive certain Self Assessment outputs digitally rather than by paper. Then customers will be sent an e-mail to prompt them to login and view their digital output. Further information about the particular outputs and when they were available digitally can be found at SAM50520.
  • The facility for the customer to amend the e-mail address provided when signing up to receive digital outputs.
  • The facility for the customer to opt back into receiving paper outputs rather than digitally.

Future plans include:

  • The facility for agents to opt in to receive their copies of the clients output digitally.