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SAM70020 - Manage work: customer service: IT service centre

The IT Service Centre provides support and problem resolution for all HMRC IT and telephony services and systems.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

You can visit the ‘Get IT & Telephone Help’ section on the Intranet where help and guidance is available on how to solve common problems, plus answers to frequently asked questions, and much more.

If you have an IT or telephony fault, please phone the IT Service Centre (03003 300 003 or *1935 from your 03000 handset). For an update on a previously reported IT incident you should log in to KnowHow Self Help first before calling the IT Service Centre.

KnowHow Self Help enables you to track your IT incident report(s), providing up to date information on what is being done to resolve your problem. Access to KnowHow is via ‘My Services’ then ‘Admin Services’.