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SAM70130 - Manage work: customer service: SA business user support mailbox and other communication channels

Following closure of the SA Business Helpdesk on 31 March 2010, where you have a problem regarding Self Assessment, you should follow the guidance below.

Operational difficulties
Bank details for repayments
Reallocation of credit set against an over-payment
Mixed records
CIS cases
Queries regarding previously published Newsboards
Queries concerning the content of Business Guidance Notes and Newsboards
System problems
Self Assessment guidance issues
SA Office Manager role and password queries
Broken links in the SA Manual

Operational difficulties

When you have a problem and need advice, refer to your Band O Tech or Tech HO as appropriate. If they are unable to resolve the issue after following the instructions on the SA User Page under ‘Where to get help’ then ‘Operational Difficulties’, the query should be submitted to the BusinessUserSupport, SA (PTCPP) mailbox but must be submitted by the Band O Tech or Tech HO.

Before making a submission, refer to the following sources

  • For technical guidance - the SA Manual (SAM), recent Newsboards and Business Guidance Notes
  • For guidance on how the SA system works - SA Training modules
  • For Frequently Asked Questions and Known Problems - the SA User Homepage on the Intranet

Please enter the subject of your enquiry in the Heading and include the following

  • Your name and location
  • The nature of your enquiry
  • The reference of any guidance used
  • Details of the action you were taking that led to the issue being identified

Where the question is customer specific, supply the UTR in the body of the email, not in the title and mark your email ‘Official (Marked)’.

All emails must include confirmation that the sender is a Band O Tech or Tech HO. If this information is not provided, the query will be returned unworked.

Bank details for repayments

All Customer Operations Groups have nominated people to hold Bank Wizard licences and you should call these people if you require bank addresses, telephone numbers or sort codes. Their contact details are published locally within your Group. If you do not know who they are, please contact your Operations Manager for more details.

Reallocation of credit set against an over-payment

Where a credit has been set against an over-repayment and cannot be moved, you should refer to the FAQs, under Statements on the SA User Home Page.

Mixed records

If you discover a mixed record, please refer to the SA User Page and the section ‘Where To Get Help’ for instructions under Mixed Records and follow the guidance.

CIS cases

Where you are unable to set up a CIS record because the Taxpayer Business Service and SA records are not aligned, or there is no TBS record, you should refer to the FAQs, under Records on the SA User Home Page.

Queries regarding previously published Newsboards

You can view newsboards published within the previous 12 months on the Intranet by selecting Newsroom, then Newsboard from the left hand toolbar under the heading ‘News Sources’. There is no longer an Archive for Newsboards published outside the 12 month period.

Queries concerning the content of Business Guidance Notes and Newsboards

If you have a query regarding the content of a BGN, or Newsboard, you should raise your query using the BusinessUserSupport, SA (PTCPP) mailbox. Head your email ‘BGN/Newsboard query’, stating the number of the document you are referring to and what your query is.

System problems

If you have a problem with

  • Response times
  • System Access
  • Fatal System Errors


  • General Protection Faults

You should report it(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) .

Self Assessment guidance issues

You should check the relevant section of the Self Assessment Manual and / or the Standard Work Instructions for guidance and consult your Band O Tech or Tech HO. If the query cannot be resolved, the Band O Tech or Tech HO should follow the contact instructions given under ‘Operational difficulties’ above, use an appropriate heading and include details of the guidance that is being queried.

If you find an error in the guidance, or have a suggestion about how the guidance can be improved, use the link on the SA User page.

To find the link select the SA User page, Other Topics then SA Feedback.

SA Office Manager role and password queries

Where you have any queries concerning the SA Office Manager role and wish to have the list updated, follow the link on the SA User page.

If your problem relates to Password resets, consult your OMAN in the first instance and if the problem cannot be resolved, refer to the SA User Home Page and contact the appropriate Global OMAN for your business stream.

Broken links in the SA Manual

If you find a broken link or the Manual is not working as it should, please email the BusinessUserSupport, SA (PTCPP) mailbox with details.