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SAM71050 - Manage work: work management: management information

Management information, as below, is available on InfoNet for SA Processing and SA Debt Management work lists on the first Friday in the month following the LOMR input.

Analysis of work items

These reports are available monthly. They show for each work list available in your Organisation Unit the number of work items

  • Brought forward from the last report date
  • New items created since the last report date
  • Transferred in since the last report date
  • Transferred out since the last report date
  • Cleared (other than by transfer)
  • Remaining open

Age profile of work items

These reports are available monthly. They show a snapshot of the age profile of work items on the following work lists

SA Processing

  • ‘W010 BF Penalty for Issue’
  • ‘W015 Open Appeals’
  • ‘W016 Manual Issue of Returns’
  • ‘W018 Review Revenue Assessments’
  • ‘W024 Duplicate Return Logged - Original Already Logged or Captured’
  • ‘W025 Fully Captured / Unlogged Returns’
  • ‘W028 Repayments to be Authorised or Cancelled’
  • ‘W029 Rejected Repayments’
  • ‘W030 Inhibited Automatic Repayments’
  • ‘W031 Post Repayment Check Cases’
  • ‘W033 Transfer to COP Security Review’
  • ‘W034 Sundry Charge Quality Check’
  • ‘W035 Manual Issue of Form 575’
  • ‘W036 Informal Discharge Review’
  • ‘W037 Reduction of Amount Coded Out’
  • ‘W038 Freestanding Credit Review’
  • ‘W041 Manual Statement Issue’
  • ‘W042 Returns not Captured’
  • ‘W043 Repayments for Quality Checks’
  • ‘W044 Over-Repayments’
  • ‘W047 Overpayments in Closed Cases’
  • ‘W048 Permanent Notes Review Work list’
  • ‘W049 Short Tax Return Rejection Work list’
  • ‘W050 CID Framework Rejection List’
  • ‘W051 Daily Returns Review - Ceased Date Set’ (Decommissioned April 2012)
  • ‘W052 Daily Returns Review - SA/PAYE Auto-coding exceptions’
  • ‘W053 Daily Returns Review - Electronic Return Cases’
  • ‘W054 Weekly Returns Review List’
  • ‘W055 Failed Online Amendments and HMRC corrections’
  • ‘W056 Partnership Online Amendments’
  • ‘W057 Review FSC from return amendment’
  • ‘W059 Online Return Rejections’
  • `W061 Class 2 NICS and Marriage updates’

SA Debt Management

  • ‘W008 Outstanding Debt and / or Return’
  • ‘W011 Review Remission for Cancellation’
  • ‘W012 Remissions and Remission Cancellation Quality Assurance’
  • ‘W013 Potential transfer cases’
  • ‘W014 BY / VA Cases’
  • ‘W019 Review Informal Standovers’
  • ‘W032 RLS Cases’
  • ‘W040 Inhibited Statements

The analysis is presented in the following periods, calculated from the date that the work item was created

  • Up to 7 days
  • 8 - 14 days
  • 15 - 28 days
  • 1 - 2 months
  • 2 - 3 months
  • 3 - 6 months
  • 6 - 9 months
  • 9 - 12 months
  • 1 - 2 years
  • 2 - 4 years
  • Over 4 years
  • Total items