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SAM71088 - Manage work: work management: W013 potential transfer cases

From October 2010, processing and compliance entries were removed from this list leaving collection entries only.


A work item is created whenever any of the following occur

  • The office for processing responsibility for the taxpayer uses function MAINTAIN RESPONSIBLE OFFICE to transfer their responsibility for the taxpayer
  • One of the offices with processing, recovery or technical responsibility changes an address or main source on the taxpayer record, and the transfer prompt function CASE AVAILABLE FOR TRANSFER is invoked by the computer. Note: The office which made the office or main source change will not receive a work item
  • The office with accounting responsibility changes an address on the taxpayer record, and the responsible office rules (SAM103090) suggest a transfer is appropriate

Specific details

Other than details common or potentially common to all types of work item, the following specific details will be available

  • Target office for transfer

Allocation of responsibility

This work item will not be allocated to the office with accounting responsibility. When processing responsibility is transferred, accounting responsibility is reviewed and, if appropriate, transferred automatically

The work item is allocated to whichever of the offices with processing, recovery, and technical responsibility for the taxpayer did not cause the work item to be created. However, a work item will only be allocated to an office with recovery or technical responsibility if that office has active responsibility for the taxpayer.

The following are examples

  • The office with processing responsibility uses function MAINTAIN RESPONSIBLE OFFICE to transfer processing responsibility. There has never been any active technical responsibility. A work item will be allocated to the Recovery Office only. Technical responsibility will be transferred automatically
  • The office with accounting responsibility changes an address on the taxpayer record that suggests transfer of responsibilities is appropriate. Both recovery and technical responsibilities are active. A work item will be allocated to the offices with processing, recovery, and technical responsibilities

Within the responsible office, the work item is allocated as follows

  • Processing: Clerical Processing Officer
  • Recovery: Clerical Caseworker
  • Technical: Clerical Caseworker

Frequency of review

It is recommended that this list is reviewed weekly.

Updating of details

Until the work item is cleared, the following details held on the work item are updated by Work Management immediately the corresponding entry is updated on the taxpayer record

  • Taxpayer name
  • NINO
  • Employers reference (EMPREF) or Schedule D register number
  • Target office

Action to take on the work item

Advice on the action to take to clear the work item is available in section ‘Movement of Taxpayer Records’, (SAM103071).

Deletion of the work item

The work item is deleted automatically when function MAINTAIN RESPONSIBLE OFFICE is used to transfer responsibility for the Revenue activity.

It can be deleted manually, using function WORK LIST CASES or function SELECTED CASE.