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SAM71154 - Manage work: work management: W052 daily returns review - SA/PAYE auto-coding exceptions

Note: There is no requirement to review this work list

With the introduction of auto-coding, work items populated the list where auto coding was unable to take place and manual action was required. From October 2014, some automated checks were introduced so fewer work items are created which require manual action.

Specific details
Allocation of responsibility
Frequency of review
Updating of details
Action to take on the work item
Deletion of the work item


A work item is created when manual action is required, for example cases where the auto-coding inhibition (ACI) signal is set, or where the case is excluded from auto-coding.

Specific details

Other than details common or potentially common to all types of work item, the following specific details will be available

  • Return year
  • Reason for entry
  • Update and compare
  • Update code
  • Compare (figures) only

Allocation of responsibility

The work item is allocated to the office with processing responsibility for the taxpayer. Within that office, the item will be worked by an officer with the user role of Clerical Processing Officer.

Frequency of review

The work list should be reviewed as directed.

Updating of details

Until the work item is cleared, the following details held on the work item are updated by Work Management immediately the corresponding entry is updated on the taxpayer record

  • Taxpayer name
  • NINO
  • Employer reference (EMPREF) or Schedule D register number

Deletion of the work item

The work item should be deleted manually once it has been reviewed.