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SAM72110 - Manage work: access to records: SA view only

The SA View Only role allows the operator to

  • Trace any SA taxpayer record or agent record
  • View any details on the SA taxpayer or agent records, without being able to update any of those details

The main clerical processing roles include view functions, which can be used in exactly the same way as with the View Only role. SA records accessed through the View Only role are included on the Officer in Charge operator activity reports. SA records, for which the operator has responsibility, accessed through working roles, for example the Clerical Processing Officer role, are not included on the reports.

The following list shows the functions linked to this role.

For details of how to access any of these functions, select ‘Index Of Functions’ on the left of the screen.

On accessing the function, system help is available to you at function, screen, field, and error message levels.

For ease of reference, the functions are grouped under the following sub-headings

TP Agent


Maintain appeal


Maintain Compliance Signals

View Compliance History

View Compliance Summary

View Return for Enquiry


Maintain Responsible Office

Retrieve UTR From D Reference


Maintain Return Profile

Maintain Return Summary

View Return


Maintain Informal Discharge

Maintain Payments On Account

Maintain Remissions

Maintain Revenue Assessment

Maintain Standover

Maintain Sundry Charge

Maintain Surcharge

View Payment Details

View Repayment

View Statement

View Taxpayer Credits

View Transfer From OAS


Case Summary

Maintain Capacity

Maintain Capacity Summary

Maintain Partner

Maintain SA Notes

Maintain Sources

Maintain Time To Pay

Maintain Trade

View Communication Name and Address

View Partners For Partnership

View Taxpayer Designatory Details

TP Agent

Trace Agent

View Agent Details

View Taxpayer’s Agent Details


Immediate Action Work Lists

Office Work List Summary

Operator Work List Summary