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SAM80050 - Payments: payments overview: payment allocation and transfer

Payments processed in DM Banking

DM Banking process the vast majority of payments that customers make. SA payments are separately identified and posted to the customer’s SA record and to the Management Account, and any non-matched payments are re-directed to the OAS system.

Local office payments and transfers in

Local office bank lodgement facilities were withdrawn in March 2006.

Payment allocation, overpayments and excess payments

Each SA payment that finds a matching customer record is credited in full to that record.

If a paid liability is reduced the resultant overpayment is re-allocated against any other SA charge that is or is about to become due.

Payments are allocated or re-allocated to charges using automatic allocation rules.

Payment transfer

The movement of a credit to or from an SA record is described as a ‘transfer’. Payments can only be transferred between SA and OAS. There is no facility for moving payments directly between two SA records.

You should record the OAS number when transferring a credit from SA, but if you fail to do so or are not given the option, the OAS number can be obtained by viewing the transferred credit as follows

  • In SA from top tool bar select ‘Statements’
  • From drop down menu select ‘View Taxpayer Credits’
  • Enter the UTR (and you may need to change the dates here to ensure you include the original date of payment of the transferred credit), select [OK]
  • Select the line of the credit you wish to view and select [OK]
  • The View Taxpayer Credits screen will display the allocation history of the credit and any OAS number

More information on payment allocation and transfer is available in the Debt Management & Banking Manual DMBM210100.