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SW01500 - Introduction: Feedback on Shared Workspace Business Manual

HMRC Staff only,

If you have a comment or suggestion about the Shared Workspace (SW) Business Manual, please email the editor, Shared Workspace Team

Improving the SW Business Manual

Our aim is to give you clear and comprehensive guidance about Shared Workspace. We want to keep the SW Business Manual up to date and improve it. To do this we need your help.

When you are using the SW Business Manual there will be times when it doesn’t give you what you want or it could be improved. For example

  • Something is out of date or you think it is factually incorrect.
  • Something you need is missing altogether.
  • The formatting is unhelpful or the language does not meet our diversity standards.
  • A search gives you unexpected results or you can’t find pages you know are there.
  • You find typos and incorrect or broken links.

When this happens please don’t just complain to yourself. Instead please email the editor using the above link.

The future of the SW Business Manual

Please also provide feedback if you have suggestions for improving the structure, content and presentation of the SW Business Manual.