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SW03320 - Using Shared Workspace: Dealing With Inappropriate Material

All Shared Workspace members must follow the rules on what information can be added to a Room and what information must not be added to a Room SW03340.

Customer Members must comply with the HMRC Online Services Terms and Conditions SW03260 that are published on the HMRC website.

HMRC Members must observe Departmental guidelines on computer misuse.

Dealing with Inappropriate Material

If you find inappropriate material in any of your Rooms you must take immediate action as detailed below.

Files and Individual Database Rows

If the item is a file (files will usually have a 3 letter extension such as .doc, .bmp or .xls) or an individual database row(s), then you must immediately follow the guidance ‘Delete an Item’ at SW07440.

This will immediately remove the file or database row from view whilst investigations are made. Where prompted for the reason for deletion you must clearly state why you consider the file or database row is inappropriate material. An HMRC Business Authorising Officer (BAO) of the Room will need this information to consider what further action is required.

All other objects

If the inappropriate material is in a Shared Workspace object such as a calendar or a discussion, you must immediately contact a BAO of the Room letting them know the location of the material and why you consider the content to be inappropriate.

Note: A full audit is retained SW03210 which enables HMRC to identify who created or added the inappropriate material and when.

Further action

The BAO will consider what further action is required following notification or discovery of inappropriate material.

HMRC Members will be dealt with following HMRC procedures for computer misuse. Note, the BAO will work in consultation with the manager of the member of staff.

Customer Members will be dealt with by the BAO in consultation with the Customer Organisation Representative and/or Customer Nominated Contacts. The action they take cannot be defined but may include the issue of an advisory letter to the member/organisation or exclusion of the member/organisation from Shared Workspace.

Security & Information directorate can provide additional support. Please refer to their Help and Guidance pages.