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SW03350 - Using Shared Workspace: Inappropriate Material

Inappropriate Material

The creation or uploading of inappropriate material in Shared Workspace is strictly prohibited.

Members must not create, use, store, download, install, distribute or circulate any material including images, text, software, or links to web sites that,

  • are or might be considered to be indecent or obscene
  • are or might be considered to be offensive or abusive, could be taken as a personal attack, or is rude, sexist, racist, or generally distasteful
  • encourages or promotes activities that make unproductive use of our own or each other’s time, for example forwarding ‘chain mail’
  • promotes any business or cause, financially or otherwise, whether commercial, political, cultural, ethnic or religious
  • encourages or promotes any unlawful activity
  • involves any activity beyond the scope of this online service, for example, any selling or advertising of goods and services
  • has the potential to damage or overload HMRC systems, networks and/or external communications
  • might be defamatory; incur a liability for HMRC or another registered member or have any adverse affect
  • are protected by copyright laws

Some actions are also criminal offences under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. These include,

  • unauthorised access to computer material (such as hacking; inappropriate access to customer records and corporate data and systems, including trace/search facilities)
  • unauthorised access, with the intent to commit (or to help others commit) further offences
  • unauthorised modification of computer material.

If you find inappropriate material in any Room you must take immediate action to deal with it SW03320


  1. All Customer members must abide by the HMRC Online Services Terms and Conditions SW03260.
  2. All HMRC members must be familiar with and follow the Departmental guidelines in respect of unacceptable computer use.
  3. It is every member’s responsibility to ensure that all material they add to or create in a Room is appropriate.