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SW04110 - Roles and Responsibilities: Security and Information Business Partner (SIBP)

The Security and Information Business Partner (SIBP) role is key to the effective management of data held within Shared Workspace.

Here is a list of Security and Information Business Partner (SIBP) Teams and their duties.


The Security and Information Business Partner (SIBP) is responsible for providing on request from the Shared Workspace Business Sponsor

  • initial approval for Shared Workspace to be used for the deployment
  • the initial Data Usage Agreement
  • the annual Data Usage Agreement

For more help with completion of the Data Usage Agreement please see SW03510.

In addition, the Security and Information Business Partner (SIBP) is responsible for

  • keeping the recipient informed about any proposed or actual material changes to the character of the data stored
  • telling the recipient what the sensitivity of the data is
  • ensuring that appropriate, particularly sensitive, data is excluded
  • providing the data as set out in this Data Usage Agreement subject to emergency and contingency recovery
  • telling the Recipient if someone new becomes the Security and Information Business Partner (SIBP)
  • negotiating any essential changes to this agreement in good time