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SW04207 - HMRC Business Authorising Officer: Mandatory Reviews

HMRC Business Authorising Officers (BAOs) have overall responsibility for their Rooms. To ensure that Rooms meet the requirements laid down by Shared Workspace, BAOs must carry out the following mandatory Room reviews at intervals of no more than 6 months, following which they must complete a BAO Certificate of Assurance SW03605:

SW03620 - Review Room Membership

SW03625 - Review Room Content & Government Security Classifictions

and, where the Room is for collaboration with Customer Organisations

SW03615 - Review of Organisations per Room

For some types of Room, or type of content within a Room, it will be necessary for BAOs to carry out their mandatory reviews at more frequent intervals.

It is for the BAO to consider, both when the Room is created and during it’s lifecycle, whether these reviews should be carried out more frequently and if so to put in place the appropriate process to ensure this is done.