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SW04250 - HMRC Business Authorising Officer: Review Request to Delete a Room Item

HMRC Business Authorising Officers (BAOs) are responsible for the content of their Room. Only a BAO can approve a request to delete a Room item.

Any member can request to delete an Item SW07440. An online request is sent to the BAO Activity Inbox of the BAOs with responsibility for that Room for approval.

A BAO of the Room must review the request and consider whether or not the reason given is valid.

If the BAO is in any way uncertain about the request they must not delete the item until they have made further enquiries with the member to clarify the request to ensure they make an informed decision.

Approving a request

Where the BAO approves a request, the service will

  • move the item to the Recycle Bin SW06800
  • delete the original stored access control from the item.

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Rejecting a request

Where an item cannot be deleted, the BAO must reject the request and make an appropriate note of their reason in the required field when prompted.

The BAO should consider if it is appropriate for the member to

In these circumstances the BAO should include this advice in the message.

The service sends an email to the member who made the request to notify them of the rejection and the reason.

A similar email is sent to all other BAOs of the Room to inform them that the request has been rejected together with the reason.

The service will also restore the original access control on the item.