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SW04415 - HMRC Shared Workspace Team: Data Usage Agreements & Shared Workspace Business Sponsor Certificates of Assurance

  • The initial Data Usage Agreement
  • The annual Data Usage Agreement
  • The SW Business Sponsor Certificates of Assurance

The purpose is to certify that the Security & Information Business Partner (SIBP) has approved, and continues to approve, the use of SW for each deployment and that the SW Business Sponsor is satisfied that the Rooms are being managed effectively by the HMRC Business Authorising Officers (BAOs).

Annual Review

In May each year the SW Team will issue an email to each SW Business Sponsor asking them to forward both the latest Data Usage Agreement(s) and SW Business Sponsor Certificates of Assurance for all deployments within 30 days.

The SW Business Sponsor must return the agreements and certificates from their own email address. (Electronic equivalent to a wet signature).

The SW Team store the agreements, certificates and returned email on the SW Team database.

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Non Submission of DUA / Certificate of Assurance

If the Data Usage Agreement or SW Business Sponsor Certificate of Assurance are not returned after 30 days the SW Team will advise the appropriate Head of Duty that the certificate(s) is (are) outstanding and that this poses a risk to the data held within the Room(s).