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SW04520 - Customer Organisation Representative: Appoint First Two Customer Nominated Contacts

When a Customer Organisation is added to a Room SW09220, the Customer Organisation Representative (COR) is required to appoint the first two Customer Nominated Contacts (CNCs) from their organisation to the Room.

CNCs have responsibility for managing Customer Members of their Organisation in a Room. This includes the adding and removing of Members and the selecting of appropriate Roles. The COR should therefore appoint two CNCs from their Organisation with appropriate authority and knowledge of the Members and business to be conducted within the Room.

Invite Key and CNC Nomination Page

When an HMRC Business Authorising Officer (BAO) adds a Customer Organisation to a Room, the service automatically

  • generates a unique invite key
  • sends an email to the COR with the invite key and a link to the CNC nomination pages on the HMRC website

The COR must use the link and unique invite key to access the HMRC website and enter the details of the first two CNCs in the required fields. On completion, the information is returned as an online request to the BAO Activity Inbox for approval SW04230.


  1. The unique invite key can only be used once. If the COR loses the unique invite key they must contact the BAO who will arrange for a new unique key to be issued.
  2. If the BAO is unable to approve one or both of the CNCs, the request is rejected and the process to appoint the first two CNCs will need to be repeated. This will generate a new unique invite key for the COR to access the CNC nomination pages and enter details of two CNCs again for approval.

Maintaining Two Customer Nominated Contacts in Shared Workspace Room(s)

To ensure that there is effective customer membership management in all Rooms there must always be two active Customer Nominated Contacts (CNCs) in each Room. The organisation must be mindful of the situations where this requirement might not be met. For example:

  • CNCs leave the organisation.
  • CNCs are absent from the organisation due to annual leave, secondment or sick leave

What to do when this requirement is not met

  • The BAO must contact an appropriate organisation representative (if possible the recognised Customer Organisation Representative (COR)) to advise that as there are no longer any CNCs within the Room(s) remedial action must be taken. The result will be that all customer members within the affected Room(s) will be removed and will need to be added back once two new CNC’s have been appointed.
  • The BAO must then remove all remaining customer members from those Room(s). This will automatically remove the Customer Organisation from the room as well.
  • If there is no individual within the Customer Organisation that holds the COR role, the BAO must ensure that a COR is appointed. (SW09120)
  • The BAO then adds the Customer Organisation to the Room. This generates an automatic email to the COR with an invite key and a link to the CNC nomination pages on the HMRC website.
  • The COR must then use the link and unique invite key to access the HMRC website and enter the details of the two new CNCs.
  • To speed up the process we recommend that the COR appoints the CNC role to someone within their organisation who is already an active member of Shared Workspace. This will avoid having to wait for the delivery of the passwords that any new Shared Workspace member would need before being able to use the service.

Once the 2 CNC’s have been approved by the BAO they can proceed to reinstate their customer members in the Room(s) (SW05410)