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SW05100 - Membership: Member Types

Shared Workspace members will broadly belong to one of two member types and will access the service according to this type:

  • HMRC members will only access the service from the HMRC network.
  • Customer members will access via the HMRC Online Services.

However sometimes you may need to allocate the service to someone that doesn’t easily fit these criteria. For example a consultant working for HMRC or a member of staff seconded to HMRC may be considered both as an HMRC member or a Customer.

If somebody needing access to the Shared Workspace service has been allocated a Pay Identity Number (PID) to allow them to perform their duties then they must be classed as an HMRC member of the system. The PID will need to have the service allocated to it using the HMRC process for allocating services.

If somebody has not been allocated a PID then they must be classed as a Customer member.

There may be occasions where a consultant needs to access the system as both an HMRC member and a customer member. In these cases the Business Authorising Officer should consider setting the member up with both types of access. The BAO will need to be aware that both the HMRC role and the customer role will need to be managed independently.