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SW06120 - Create a Room: Room Design

In order to get the most of a Shared Workspace Room it is important to consider the following design principles listed here:

  • A Room must only be created to hold information marked up to and including Official-Sensitive under the Government Security Classifiication System SW03150.
  • The home page of the Room must be Read-Only SW06180 so that no-one can add, delete or amend the page. The homepage is the page that a member sees when accessing the Room from My eRooms.
  • When a significant change is made to the design of a Room a Risk Assessment SW03430 must be carried out by the HMRC Business Authorising Officer (BAO) to identify any new Risks or a change in the level of Risk.

Note: A significant change is defined as:

A change to the homepage

The addition of a new type of item

A change in the organisations working within the Room

A change in the permissions controlling access to an item

  • Shared Workspace folders and other Shared Workspace items that are shared between the HMRC and Customer organisations must be named in line with the policy outlined in SW07300.
  • To avoid over complicating your Shared Workspace you should consider restricting a folder layout to either a maximum of five folders with no more than three sub folders in each or to three folders with no more than five sub folders each. Too many layers will hinder navigation and is not an effective means of communication.
  • Shared Workspace folders and other Shared Workspace items that have restricted access SW07410 must be hidden from view of those who do not have access. This prevents members from seeing greyed out items that they cannot open.
  • Shared Workspace Rooms with multiple Customer Organisation membership must only be used where information is to be shared by all organisations with membership of the Room SW09150.
  • Shared Workspace Rooms must be designed to meet only one purpose. If a second purpose within a Business Unit arises, for example, to manage a Project, a separate Room must be created for that purpose SW06110.