SW07100 - Introduction to Using the Service
Once you have registered to use Shared Workspace SW05200 there are a number of key features that you need to be aware of and understand to use the service effectively.
Item Types
Shared Workspace allows members to work with items such as Databases SW07230, Discussions SW07250 and Calendars SW07260 or general software files including Microsoft Word documents SW07210. A list of the available item types and further information on how these should be used is available at SW07200.
Naming Conventions
It’s important for effective working that items are easy to find. The Naming Conventions detailed at SW07300 must be followed to aid consistency and understanding.
Controlling Access
Shared Workspace allows information to be shared between all members or, if appropriate, between a restricted number of members. It is important that members consider security SW03100 at all times and where appropriate consider controlling access to information SW03310.
Plug-in Considerations
Shared Workspace members can download and use the additional features of the eRoom plug in to enhance their use of the service, subject to acceptance of the HMRC Disclaimer presented before the download. Further information is at SW07600.