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SW07220 - Item Types: Folders

A folder is a container in which you can store and organise information.

Correct use of folders within Shared Workspace will keep your Rooms well organised, secure and easy to use. Poor use of folders will leave your Rooms untidy and difficult to use leading to confusion and possible error.

Define the Folder’s Purpose

Shared Workspace allows you to include a description for your folder that is displayed along with the folder contents. Use this facility to clearly describe the purpose of the folder and the type of information it should hold.

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Naming Folders

Folder names must comply with the conventions stated under SW07300.

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Access Control

It is important that members understand and use the Access Controls available SW07410 to ensure only the appropriate people access the folders created. When copying or moving a folder from one location to another the Access Control will be changed. Further information is available in the learning packages on Kalidus package.

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Keep Folders under control

It is best not to create too many folders at any level in order to keep your Room structure easy to navigate and use.