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SW07310 - File Naming Convention: HMRC Naming Convention

HMRC Folder and Item Naming Convention

File Naming Conventions are intended to provide consistency of approach whilst allowing flexibility for business needs and enhanced search functionality. Your Security & Information Business Partner (SIBP) Team may have details of the file naming convention for your business unit.

Business Units must also adhere to a folder and item naming convention. This helps protect information security because it indicates which members should have access to the folder or item.

It is Shared Workspace policy that the name of all Shared Workspace folders or items must start with either

  • ‘HMRC’


  • ‘Shared’.

The prefix ‘HMRC’ must be used for all items that are only to be shared by HMRC Members.

For example, if a folder is needed to work with HMRC managers only, the folder could be called ‘HMRC Management (+ Business Unit File Naming Convention)’.

The prefix ‘Shared’ must be used for all items where information is to be shared with members from a Customer Organisation.

For example, if a folder is needed to work with a customer discussing end of year Accounts the folder could be called ‘Shared Accounts(+ Business Unit File Naming Convention)’.

Members must also set the access controls of the folder so that only members who need access to the folder can access it SW07410.

Business Authorising Officer (BAO) Responsibility

The BAO must check that members comply with the agreed File Naming Convention for the Room. This forms part of the ‘Review of Room Content’ that the BAO must complete every six months. SW03620