SW07620 - Plug-In: HMRC Access
HMRC members of Shared Workspace can only access Shared Workspace using the HMRC network SW03360. This means that an HMRC staff member wishing to use the plug-in must either be working
- on their ‘Home’ HMRC workstation;
- on a workstation who’s HMRC owner has access to Shared Workspace and uses the plug-in, or
- on an HMRC approved laptop
The plug in is not available on every workstation. It is only available on a workstation where it has already been installed as a result of a Shared Workspace member applying for the service SW05210.
If you move to a new workstation or clear your web browser history you may be presented with the plug-in update screen.
For guidance on how to install the plug-in refer to the Shared Workspace intranet site under Using the Shared Workspace Plug-in.