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SW07650 - Plug-In: Plug-in Guidance

The plug-in is now only available to HMRC members.

HMRC Members using the Shared Workspace plug-in should be aware that when the plug-in is initially delivered it will begin to store any information viewed from Shared Workspace to the computer being used to access the service. To turn it off see below

The information is not stored in the same area that your browser usually stores information. It is stored in the cache.

Why is the information stored in the cache?

The information is stored in the cache because it enables the same information to be accessed more rapidly the next time you view it.

Can I prevent the download?

You can set the plug-in so that the cache used to store the information only ever holds the last file viewed. See the paragraph on ‘Setting the plug-in cache’

What does this mean for HMRC Members?

Information downloaded from Shared Workspace must be protected in line with the policies set out in this Manual.

Any information that is downloaded increases the size of your computer profile, which in turn will increase the time taken to log into the HMRC network. This may also take you over the maximum profile size, meaning you won’t be able to log off until the cache is cleared. For this reason it is HMRC Policy that the plug-in is set so that the cache stores 0Mb of information.

Setting the plug-in cache

Using the log-out button to exit Shared Workspace clears the plug-in cache automatically. It is important that all members exit Shared Workspace using the log-out button SW03330

If you exit Shared Workspace in any other way, for example by selecting the cross in the top right hand corner of your screen, you will need to reset the plug-in cache. This also applies if your workstation is rebuilt or a new version of the plug-in is installed.

Turn the Cache Off {#}

The cache can also be set to store no information if this is required. Right click the eRoom Monitor icon in the windows system tray in the task bar and you will be presented with a pop up menu.

If the eRoom Monitor icon is not present in the windows system tray you can start it by choosing Start > All Programs > eRoom Plug-In>Monitor My eRooms.

Select Client Settings/Advanced/File Cahe Limit and change it from 25mb to 0mb.

Using the Plug-In

Go to the S&I Zone Help & Guidance pages for further advice on using the plug-in.