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SW09250 - Organisations: Remove Organisation from a Room

Where there is no longer a business need for a Customer Organisation to have access to a Room it must be immediately removed to prevent unauthorised access by that organisation’s members to information within the Room.

A Customer Organisation is removed from a Room by removing all of its Customer Members from the Room SW05440.

Note, If removal of the Customer Organisation results in it no longer being active in any Shared Workspace Room consider making the organisation inactive SW09260.

Where the Room is left without a Customer Organisation, the Business Authorising Officer (BAO) should consider the Room’s purpose and if necessary close the Room SW06500.

Responsibility for Removing Customer Members

Customer Nominated Contacts (CNCs) are responsible for their organisation’s members in a Room.

A BAO of the Room should ask the CNCs to remove all of their members along with all but one CNC.

The remaining CNC (who cannot remove themselves) should confirm to the BAO when this has been done and the BAO must then remove the final CNC from the Room.

The removal of the final CNC will automatically remove the organisation from the Room.

Note, Where there is no longer a CNC for the room or should exceptional circumstances dictate a BAO of the Room must remove the Customer Members from the Room SW05440.