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SW11000 - Glossary

Description Explanation
Activation letters One of the known facts issued to customer members allowing enrolment to the service.
BAO Activity Inbox The area within Shared Workspace where requests to add members, change member roles and delete items are listed for BAO consideration.
Breadcrumb trail The ‘Breadcrumb trail’ appears horizontally across the top of the Shared Workspace page, below the title bar. The ‘trail’ provides a link to each level between the’ My eRooms’page and the currently displayed page.
Browser A software application that enables a user to display and interact with information on a web page, for example Shared Workspace.
Business Authorising Officer An HMRC member of staff who has overall responsibility for co-ordinating and managing the activities of a Room. \n \nThere are a minimum of two Business Authorising Officer’s for each Room.
Business email address The email address of the Customer Organisation Representative.
Business postal address The address of the Customer Nominated Contact adding members to the Room.
Business Unit A Business Area within one of HMRC’s four key groups.
Cache The area on a computer where visited web pages are stored allowing them to display more quickly at the next visit.
CDIO Customer Support Team email support for HMRC members.
CNC Nomination page The page that a Customer Organisation Representative completes to submit details of the first 2 Customer Nominated Contacts for their Organisation in a stated Room.
Community Administrator A role which allows greater control over creation and deletion of rooms, members and content within a specified community e.g. Large Business. A business case is needed where requested.
Custom Role A custom role enables members to have the same access to information within a Room. For example HMRC (BAO) role enables an HMRC member of staff to have overall responsibility for co-ordinating and managing the activities of a Room.
Customer Nominated Contact An Organisation representative within a Room managing the Organisation’s membership of the Room.
Customer Member A Member of Shared Workspace representing a Customer Organisation.
Customer Organisation Representative The Representative of an Organisation responsible for introducing Shared Workspace to the Organisation and nominating the first 2 Customer Nominated Contacts.
Customer Room A Shared Workspace Room allowing collaboration between HMRC and a Customer Organisation or Other Government Department.
Default Room Roles Standard eRoom roles of Coordinator, Observer and Participant. A customer member must have a custom role.
Freedom of Information Act Legal process where members of the public or institutions can apply for the release of government information.
Government Gateway Government Gateway is the portal for access to all on-line Government services in the UK. Requires registration at GOV.UK, an activation token, user identity and email address.
Government Security Classification System Information about this is on the Security Zone internal site or GOV.UK
HMRC Member A member of Shared Workspace representing the HMRC.
HMRC Only Room A Shared Workspace Room allowing collaboration only among HMRC Members.
Invite Key Issued to the Customer Organisation Representative to verify their details before they nominate 2 Customer Nominated Contacts.
ISO 27001 Code of Practice for Information Security Management, which lists security control objectives and recommends a range of specific security controls.
ITSC HMRC IT Service Centre providing limited IT help with problems and an escalation route.
Known Facts Known Facts comprise of a SW activation token and User ID issued to a Customer to enrol for Shared Workspace.
Live Services Support Model A flow chart providing details of the route for assitance with problems experienced in using SW.
Member A Person using, or with the ability to use, Shared Workspace.
Meta-data Information about the information within a Shared Workspace page or Room. It improves the speed that files can be accessed and searched.
Microsoft Access A computer program designed to allow creation of databases and database systems.
Non-Standard Support The streamlined more efficient help and assistance model used from April 2016
Observer A member of Shared Workspace with the ability to read content of a Room, but not amend content.
Online Learning e-Learning available via the Intranet or Internet.
Online Services e-Services available via the Intranet or Internet.
Online Services Helpdesk Telephone help for users of Government Gateway. Requires the SW activation token and User ID as part of the security checks.
Optional custom role A custom role that may be needed in a Shared Workspace room to manage access to information.
Organisation An Organisation working with HMRC using Shared Workspace.
Other Government Departments A Government Department collaborating with HMRC.
Participant A member of a Shared Workspace Room with the ability to view information with a Room and the ability to amend that information. Access controls may prevent a participant amending particular items or information.
Permission setting Access control setting controlling access to information.
Plug-in Software developed to enhance use of shared workspace.
Role All members are allocated a custom role when their membership has been approved to access a Room.
Room Area of Shared Workspace designed for collaboration between authorised members.
Room Type Rooms are either Customer Rooms allowing external collaboration or HMRC Only Rooms allowing collaboration within HMRC only. HMRC only rooms are no longer created.
Sensitivity flag An indicator that the Room will not be returned by a Room Search of the Shared Workspace site and will be hidden to non-members because the room has sensitive content.
Shared Workspace Live Service Support Team Has Community Administrator’s rights for all communities. Has oversight of the Shared Workspace system and control of policy.
Site Administrator HMRC IT Partner responsible for the administration of the Shared Workspace site. Currently, Cap Gemini.
Task database A database within a Shared Workspace Room used to manage team tasks.
Template Room A Room design which an HMRC Member can select when creating a new Room.
User ID One of the known facts issued to customer members allowing enrolment to the service.